MADRID  8 – 10 OCT 2024  |  HALL 7 – STAND 7E04A



PHA (Pure Hypochlorous Acid) is used as a water purifier for animal use. Non-disinfected water contains bacteria such as E.Coli and Clostridium, which are very harmful to animals, causing stomach infections, diarrhea and even death.

Underground water does not guarantee that it is of good quality. Furthermore, once the water enters the farm water network, it is re-contaminated, as there will certainly be biofilm and therefore niches for bacteria.

This treatment guarantees healthy water and cleaning of this biofilm downstream. Furthermore, it is possible to carry out a high-dose treatment without harming the animals.

With this simple improvement, mortality due to infections is reduced, and in poultry farms, diarrhea is reduced, lowering the conversion cost by reducing feed and, no less important, by reducing diarrhea, organic dirt on farm floors is reduced, which is a major source of infection.

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