MADRID  8 – 10 OCT 2024  |  HALL 7 – STAND 7E04A



Tertiary disinfection phase, HidroBlue system, with the on-site production of PHA (Pure Hypochlorous Acid) replaces conventional chemicals and avoids the lack of supply, price fluctuations and the storage and handling of dangerous products since this disinfectant is HARMLESS and fully compatible for reuse in agricultural use.

The disinfection power of PHA (Pure Hypochlorous Acid) reduces the organic matter load by 80%. The residual PHA that remains in the water eliminates the biofilm from the hydraulic pipes downstream, with the benefit that this entails by avoiding the adherence of salts and lime. It also prevents and controls invasive organisms such as the Zebra Mussel, Asian Clam and Bryozoans, a problem that increases in times of drought, with the transfer of water between basins and with the high organic matter load of all waters.

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